Monday, October 31, 2011

Busy busy November

November is going to be a busy one for the Quackenbush clan.  Our little one is only a month away from being here.  So excited!!  Also the holiday commission are slowly starting to come in.  Don't forget, I stop taking commissions November 16 to start my maternity leave.  So gather the photos of your favorite furry friend and hop to it.  :)  Can't wait to hear from you!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Vintage LOVE

Mugs @ the Oval in Fort Collins

Well folks, I'm in and on the walls for two whole months!!! If you are in the Fort Collins area and in the mood to see some brand spanking new art head over to the corner of Howes and Laurel and check out Mugs. ((and grab yourself a pumpkin latte....yumm!!)) Here is a little sneak peek at all the painting that will be there.